You can watch the episode with English subtitles on YouTube:
Biti majka 4 djece i sve ih roditi kod kuće. Ivana ima iskustvo, a povrh toga i potrebno znanje, mudrost i empatiju kako bi vodila i pomogla ženama nakon poroda. Nositi se s posljedicama ovog čuda koje život jest. Kako bi žene mogle dati sve od sebe novorođenčetu. Kako tegobe ne bi postale kronične i kako bi oporavak bio učinkovit i zdrav.
Oduševio me Ivanin pristup i kako se nosi s teškim pitanjima koja su vrlo složena. Razina koju ona donosi za stol i ženama nadilazi ovaj svijet. Jer nekako je čovječanstvo uspjelo ovu prirodnu i najveličanstveniju stvar iskasapiti u umjetnu i odvojenu od tijela. Rađanje je najneobičnije iskustvo svakog života. I stvaranjem straha, brzom industrijom carskog reza, neslušanjem potreba trudnice, ograničavanjem i pritiskom obmanjujućih informacija. Povišenje razine adrenalina i kortizola te manevriranje u nezgodne položaje tijekom poroda proizvodi razorne posljedice po život.
Zato je moja misija donijeti ovu vrstu informacija svijetu. Da se osvijetli ovaj nevjerojatan proces i da se zaustave katastrofalni utjecaji koji se događaju. Zahvaljujući Ivani uspjeli smo predstaviti i objasniti osnovne i ključne aspekte toga što za ženu znači biti povezana sa svojim tijelom. Prije, tijekom i nakon trudnoće. Pogotovo učinak na bebu. Nervozna mama stvara nervoznu bebu. Uravnotežena, tijelom povezana i smirena mama može stvarati "čuda" i doživjeti potpuno drugačije iskustvo. Bez postporođajne depresije, kroničnih problema u leđima, inkontinencije, napadaja panike pri disanju. Može biti nastao životom i spokojan.
Potrebni su vam alati i smjernice kako biste sebi i svojim bebama omogućili najbolji život. Kako bi bili u redu i zdravi. Ne shvaćajući stvari kao normalne, već se mijenjajući i prilagođavajući novim razinama. Stvoriti zdravlje kao nešto normalno. Raditi stvari kako treba. Odvojite vrijeme i uložite trud i energiju da poslušate ovaj podcast koji će vam promijeniti život na bolje.
07:25 Koliko ste osjećali svoje tijelo prije AEQ metode?
10:38 Nasilni porod. Kako se žene suočavaju s važnim informacijama?
21:13 Kako radi s porodiljama, dajući si vremena da se opusti, proširi, a ne samo rasteže i postigne? Dopuštanje vremena i prostora za osjećanje i učenje.
31:58 Crveno svjetlo zeleno svjetlo refleks. Što se događa nakon isporuke? Što i kako pomažete ženama nakon poroda da izađu iz refleksa?
41:47 Kako sad razumiješ disanje? Veza s tijelom i na vaše odnose / ljude
52:41 Kako se vratiti osnovama da biste imali mogućnost opuštanja i oporavka?
01:03:24 Koji su glavni alati?
Ivanu možete kontaktirati ovdje:
Pogledajte moju stranicu i društvene mreže:
TikTok: @thegenuineathlete
Zahvaljujem vam na komentarima, lajkovima i dijeljenjima.
Being a mother of 4 and giving birth to all of them at home. Ivana has the experience and on top of that also the necessary knowledge, wisdom and empathy in order to guide and help women after giving birth. To deal with the consequences of this miracle that life is. So that women can give their best to the newborn. So that the issues do not become chronic and that the recovery is efficient and healthy.
I was amazed by Ivana's approach and how she handles difficult issues that are very complex. The level that she brings to the table and to women is beyond this world. Because somehow humanity has managed to butcher this natural and the most magnificent thing into artificial and detached from the body. Giving birth is the most extraordinary experience of every life. And by creating fear, the fast track industry of cesarean cut (C-section), not listening to the needs of a pregnant woman, limiting and putting pressure with delusional informatio. Elevating adrenaline and cortisol levels and maneuvering into awkward positions during labor is all producing devastating consequences for life.
That is why it is my mission to bring this kind of information to the world. To shine a light on this amazing process and to stop catastrophic influences that are happening. Thanks to Ivana, we were able to present and explain the basic and the crucial aspects of what it means for women to be connected to their bodies. Before, during and after pregnancy. Especially the effect on the baby. A nervous mom creates a nervous baby. A well balanced, connected with the body and calm mom can create "miracles" and have a completely different experience. Without postpartum depression, chronic issues in the back, incontinence, breathing panic attacks. It can be life originated and serene.
You need the tools and guidance to enable the best life for yourself and your babies. In order to be in order and healthy. Not taking things as normal but changing and adapting to new levels. To create health as something normal. To do things as they should be done. Do take the time and put in the effort and energy to listen to this podcast that will change your life for the better.
07:25 How much did you feel your body before the AEQ method?
10:38 Giving birth with violence. How are women confronted with important information?
21:13 How is she working with postpartum women, giving herself time to relax, expand, and not only stretch and achieve? Allowing time and space to feel and learn.
31:58 Red light green light reflex. What happens after delivery? What and how are you helping women postpartum to come out of the reflex?
41:47 How do you understand breathing now? The connection with the body and on your relationships / people
52:41 How to return back to the basics to have the option to relax and recover?
01:03:24 What are the main tools?
You can contact Ivana here:
Take a look at my page and social media:
TikTok: @thegenuineathlete
I thank you for your comments, likes and shares.