Welcome to LISTEN, the audio version of Bel Esprit. Here we will read our published pieces as they arrive on the site.
Sometimes the authors themselves will read them, most of the time it will be me, Emily Menges, the editor in chief of the paper.
For those unfamiliar with our site, the Bel Esprit Project is a literary newspaper located at belespritproject.com. While that may sound awfully deterring to some, so does “amatuer podcast” so at least we’re not using those words.
The goal of our site is to motivate in others the mindset: that you are not stuck where you are, that your art is important and worth sharing, and that the pursuit of your passions, hobbies and creative endeavors is worth the struggle and the time.
And that is our cushy elevator pitch.
For our friends, at its most basic form, Bel Esprit wants you to keep at it, whatever it may be. Whatever words you have inside you that are either begging to get out or cowering in the corner hoping to never be found. Keep at it. And when it finally emerges, we’ll provide you a place to publish.
While you listen, enjoy that electrifying spark of joy deep in your gut that is the start of Bel Esprit!