Michelle had a life changing journey after finding Intermittent Fasting. She not only got to a health weight but evolved to become a podcast host, coach and leader of a supportive Facebook group. We talk all things fasting, wellness, self confidence and finding your best self by bending the " diet" trail to find the IF trail to better health!
Part of her journey :
2016-17 – I was pregnant now with my second son. I was gaining just
like the first time but at 28 weeks was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Due to
having to have an extremely strict diet to control my blood sugar, I didn’t end up gaining
as much. It was what came in the next 2 years that was the worst.
I tried to go back to work (I am NOT the stay at home type) when my youngest was 7
months old. It was an absolute disaster. My husband got a big promotion 9 months later and I was forced to quit my job and stay home with an infant and 3 year old in a town we just moved to. I fell into a horrible depression and developed a pretty nasty sugar
addiction...you know the kind, when you’re eating an entire bag of candy in hiding, trying to cover up the wrappers in the trash. I ate ultra-processed food constantly…fast food
cheeseburgers and fries were at least a weekly occasion.
Over those 2 years I gained another 25(ish) lbs. I am 5’3” and my highest weight was around 185...although I’m not 100% as I never weighed myself. I believe I hit 200lbs at some point probably.
So many health issues started piling up at this point...I lived at the doctor’s office but none could give me any answers....and not ONE mentioned weight loss. I tried everything to lose this weight...I would lose 5-6lbs then it would come right back.
This went on for awhile before I accepted that this is who I was now and that I would be unhealthy and miserable.
Fast forward to January 2020...I’m getting my hair done and overhear the client next to me chatting about how she lost 30lbs doing IF. I went home that day and began
researching. A friend of mine invited me to your Delay Don’t Deny FB support group where I lingered for about a week before deciding to start 1/24/20 and have been clean fasting every day since. About a week into my journey I ordered Delay, Don’t Deny and read it in about an hour – this book would completely change my life (followed by Feast Without Fear, Fast Feast Repeat and Cleanish!). I’ve lost 50lbs meeting my original goal of 140lbs in late October 2020 and have been maintaining now for over 2 years
bouncing between 135-140. Almost every single health issue I had before, gone now.
The best for me though- I have completely tossed diet mentality in the trash (along with my scale) and my eating has never been cleaner - out of choice! I love the flexibility and freedom of this lifestyle. I was mostly plant and fish based but more recently have been focusing on protein and incorporating more of it into my diet and getting stronger. I workout now 6 days a week in a 125 degree infrared sauna because I WANT to and really want to be as strong as possible for the very big hormonal change I am
experiencing at 41 now. I do not deprive myself of anything, just delay when needed although I have become quite the food “snob” these days and prefer more nutrient dense satiating foods to the over processed foods I used to crave.
Clean IF has truly saved me. The amount of gratitude I have for this community has now turned into my work and passion. In February 2022, I launched my podcast, Fast and Fabulous, which has already nearly 50k downloads with only 30 episodes in. I love
sharing my story and helping others find this unbelievable freedom. I also run an advanced spin-off Fast Feast Repeat support group on FB with about 13k members,
growing by the day and I try to cultivate inspiration and information on Instagram as well.