Disclaimer- The content you are about to hear may be difficult for some listeners. Talks of online bullying will take place. Please listen at your own discretion and remember this podcast is never meant to be taken as medical advice. If you’re experiencing bullying and need help call or text 988.
While it hurts my heart to have to record this episode, I know that it is in part my duty to do so. I love this community more than I can express and will always be thankful for the literal lifeline it's become for me. That's why I can't sit back reading messages and having conversations in my DM's with other warriors who haven't had the same experience in our community. Last week I talked to a fellow endo- warrior who was thinking of deleting their IG endo account because they experienced such an onslaught of negativity. And that is devastating!!
We need each and everyone of us, working together. The fight against endometriosis misinformation and stigma takes all of us to combat, each of our unique voices and skill. That should be welcomed with open arms, regardless of "what kind of endo advocate you are". We are all so deeply invested in this community and are understandably passionate about the cause. But let's not forget that we are all doing the best with what we know, have access to and what we believe is best for ourselves.
This is not to say that the spread of misinformation inside our community is okay, because it isn't. It's dangerous and harmful. But I am here to say that we can approach each other with kindness and empathy. We can correct information and share resources out of genuine concern instead of anger or callus. Yes, it's frustrating that we have to combat such hurdles but it isn't the fault of a fellow endo warrior and we all start somewhere on our advocacy journeys.
If you've been on your own endo journey for years now, it can be easy to forget what those first days, months and even years of advocacy and what sharing your story looked like. Most of us aren't medical professionals or endometriosis experts. But we are experts at LVING WITH endometriosis and can speak to our own experiences without wavering. There's still so much we don't know about this disease, the medical system and society don't know about this disease. That's one of the reasons why we need each of our voices, why we need fellow warriors to stay engaged in the community and to continue to share their realties. It's our jobs to make sure we create a safe environment for others to feel that can do exactly that.
If you have ever experienced bullying in the endo community and/or need someone to talk to my DM's on Instagram are always open. I might not respond immediately but I will always get back to you asap. You can also send an email to me if you'd prefer, send all emails to [email protected]
If you are interested in being on Best Worst Club podcast you can use this link to set up a time to record with host, Mariah! Currently interviews for the series It’s Not Just A Bad Period are being scheduled. But if there is something specific related to endometriosis that you would like to talk about email the show at [email protected]
Hosted by Mariah Battaglia- Come say Hi, join the Club and our private group chat on Instagram here @EndoDoula You can support the podcast by leaving an honest review and sharing on social media, don't forget to tag the @BestWorstClubIf you would like to be a guest on the podcast contact our host Mariah at [email protected]
The first annual Endo- cation Retreat is coming September 2023. Find out details first and get early bird access here. Don't forget to bookmark our website, https://www.bestworstclub.com/retreat
Follow on Instagram and say hi to me! https://www.instagram.com/endodoula/
Follow the Club on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/bestworstclub/
Support the Club & help me keep making content by buying me a coffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bestworst