Before you sit down to make your list of website goals, you need to know why your site exists. Please don’t say, “because everyone including my competitor does” or “for better branding”. Neither of those is the proper response. What action do you want your website visitors to take? What do you want them to do or know once they’ve left your website?
- Give you their contact information?
- Be converted in some way?
- Be informed?
- Click on client advertising?
Specific visitors may have completed all of these by giving you their information, signing up for your newsletter, listening to the station, etc. So, now what is the purpose of your website? Retaining them by getting them to return on a regular basis.
What ongoing website goals should you set?
1) Increasing traffic. Work to increase your monthly visitors on a consistent basis.
2) Generating more content. Fresh content simply improves traffic.
3) Decreasing your bounce rate. “Bounce rate” is the percentage of people who leave your site after just going to one page. What do you have in place to ensure they do something else once they’ve consumed what got them there?
4) Raising your conversion rate. If you want visitors to signup for your newsletter, stream the station or fill out a form, then track those conversions and work to increase them month over month as well.
5) Increasing your e-mail subscribers. Email subscribers provide a great opportunity to keep your listeners informed and it’s a great opportunity for your advertisers as well as they can know what kind of customers you can offer them.
6) Increasing online advertisers. Every radio station website should be a money-maker in some way. A Digital Inventory List can help so that everyone knows what is available.
7) Increasing social shares and mentions. The more you can appear in social circles will ultimately mean more traffic to your website and increase the possibility of getting a visitor to do what you want them to.
Making your website more accessible. Accessibility is incredibly important for your website as it allows those with hearing impairments, vision impairments, and those who have difficulty using a mouse to easily use your website. Ensure descriptive and relevant ALT tags are added to all your images to help screen readers read them. Use descriptive links that tell people what they’re clicking on, rather than generic text like “read more.”
There are lots of other measurable stats that we could mention working on as goals but try to limit your primary goals to the things that directly impact the station's bottom line. It’s all about increasing the awareness of your radio station, making more revenue from digital sales, and attaining better visitor data.
Having everyone on board and on the same page is CRUCIAL: Everybody… from the digital content person to the air talent to the programming and sales team… all the way to the General Manager/Owner. Everyone should know the purpose and the importance of the goals set for your radio station website.
Have you noticed that everyone has lost interest in the station website? If your on-air team isn’t promoting it and your sales department isn’t selling it is because there’s no definitive direction. If you haven’t taken the time to explicitly define the goals of your station website, then get the appropriate personnel together and do this right away. Follow up on this strategy each week with a meeting specifically focused on the website where you can review analytics to see what’s working and what isn’t.
Please reach out to us at if we can help you.