Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks. So, whether you refer to it as procrastination or akrasia or something else, it is the force that prevents you from following through on what you are set out to do. Why Do We Procrastinate?
You know lot of people fall into this loop that I call as Procrastination Pendulum.. You know at the back of your mind that there is something else that defines you or resonates with you as an individual, ok lets talk about your simple goals. But you are ready to let go of your scheduled activities for some quick entertainment, other priorities or a comfortable job… but somewhere within, you still want to come back to your bigger goal, the bigger purpose, something that defines you.... and when your mind makes you swing back and forth between your life purpose and your daily hustle or distracting activities, you find yourself in a Procrastination Pendulum