Introducing Vanessa Sidney-Richmond and Sarah Morris
Today's episode was sparked by the recent release of a report called Make the Move: Shifting How the Public Sector Works with Communities.
I don't know about you, but that's a topic I can get in behind.
In today's episode, I talk to Vanessa Sidney-Richmond,
Pou Whirinaki of Te Tihi o Ruahine Whānau Ora Alliance, and Sarah Morris, Freelance Social and Systems Change Consultant and author of the report (commissioned by Inspiring Communities).
In our kōrero, the overarching theme is around the question; how can we shift the way the public sector works with communities? How can we broaden government's role so it's about creating the conditions for change, alongside creating solutions themselves?
We cover a few key topics in today's episode, and that's what I love about these interviews! A complete collaboration and sharing of ideas and opinions.
So please, enjoy this impactful kōrero with Vanessa and Sarah, and make sure to check out the report. Don't just listen to this episode... share it with your team and use the report to inspire some deep learning, reflection and action.
In today's episode you'll learn:
What 'locally led, regionally supported and nationally enabled' really means and how this approach can positively impact communities.
What do we mean by 'creating the conditions for change'? (And why is that shift so important?)
How can we rebalance the relationship between government and community, bit by bit?Resources mentioned in this episode:
The Make the Move Report
Connect with Sarah on Linkedin.
Learn more about Vanessa's organisation Te Tihi
Inspiring Communities website.
Powerdigm website. Sign up for the Beyond Consultation newsletter
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