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By WordWeaver Productions
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The podcast currently has 33 episodes available.
This exciting episode starts right where it says it does as we open a dialogue for the expansion of our own ideas. I'm really happy to share this content with everyone!
Jung, as an analytical psychologist and therapist, could not accept that a state of pure enlightened awareness and overcoming of self could be attained, releasing the individual from the suffering of this world.
Rather, by opening up awareness of the unconscious, the Self could attain an improved state of equilibrium, of wholeness.
We may, he thought, be better and more balanced selves, but not, in this life, wholly cease to be suffering selves.
The unity he sought "is not that of undifferentiated oneness, but rather a harmony, a balance sought through the interplay of opposing but complementary forces."
Like most occult practices, the true value of alchemy is hidden underneath much obscure symbolism, warding off the muggles, and keeping the secrets within.
What alchemy is actually fixated on is spiritual development - with the end goal being a state of awareness, completion and harmony. If you’re saying that this sounds familiar, you’re right - it’s similar to the states that we see in other religious or esoteric traditions, including tarot (the world card), and buddhism (enlightenment), as just a few examples.
Alchemy is another thread that links all religions and faiths to the vast Indra’s net of spirituality.
I'm extremely humbled by the amount of support that Beyond Meaning: The Hidden Science of Thought has received over the last few months since I last uploaded an episode.
I've said it before but this podcast was created as a way for me to express the ideas and symbols that have taken such a deep root within my own life. The fact that these ideas resonate with listeners across the entire globe is so incredible to me.
With that being said, the show's content is still in the same formula and we dive into new concepts that we have not touched upon yet here in the show.
What happens when you reach infinity? Why would we want to experience so much novelty in such a limited life? What is the purpose of our identity?
Thanks for tuning in,
Happy new year folks! Creating this episode brought me much joy and I am looking forward to sharing it with you all.
We get into new concepts, ideas, thought experiments and stories in this episode by exploring how psychological continuity impacts the way in which we make sense of the world through the first person experience that is afforded to us by the cartesian ego.
We start this off by discussing the continuity loops illustrated following the thinking model created by Derek Parfit which essentially argues that the differences between different persons are extremely important, but does not consider the differences between the same person at different times to be important at all.
Parfit argues that this makes self-interest theory vulnerable to attack from two directions. It can be compared to morality on one side, and 'present-aim theory' on the other.
Parfit argues that our present aims can sometimes conflict with our long term self-interest. Arguments that a self-interest theorist uses to explain why it is irrational to act on such aims, can be turned against the self-interest theorist, and used as arguments in favor of morality. Conversely, arguments that a self-interest theorist uses against morality could also be used as arguments in support of 'present-aim' theory.
We also have a super deep dive into the energy of the year ahead and the implied undertones that stepping into our purpose brings along with it! Here's the link to the pictures
All this and more in the first episode of 2022!
It's new years eve and I wanted to create this very lucid and personal episode to say thank you and share a little bit of the effect that Beyond Meaning has had in my life.
We also talk about goals and milestones for the show and I share my first ever exposition that started the thought science fire within. All in all, this is a very raw episode and I am grateful for being able to share it.
Happy New Year Fam
Howdy Folks!
Here's part 2 of Personal Magnetism. I also expanded upon some of our previous ideas and set the stage for future content and discourse.
The later content might be cryptic albeit helpful for those who are seeking a deeper sense of reality. We bring up the soul and tie it into reincarnation, for the first time on Beyond Meaning.
A new episode is live, this content will not go over old beaten paths, or indulge in abstruse terms, but will give in a condensed non-mystical style all I have been able to learn of this wonderful power, from, all technical terms have been avoided, so that even the layman may readily understand.
Howdy! This is an audio presentation for a very profound piece of literature that ties perfectly into the realm of our content.
I hope you enjoy streaming it as much as I enjoyed producing it.
In his ongoing quest to show the path to inner peace amid a noisy and cluttered world, the author of As a Man Thinketh-one of the most popular writers in the fields of inspiration at the turn of the 20th century-writes simply but eloquently on such topics as The Divine Center, The Unfailing Wisdom, Perfect Freedom, and The Might of Meekness. As always, his advice is both spiritual and practical: be in the moment, seek simplicity, push past the clutter to find your inner goodness.
This one has been quite the roadmap of information.
We're tying in concepts from all seasons here and this has been the biggest challenge for this show; that's so hype!
There's also a reading attached, click here for the link to the post.
Truth is discovered only by those who have the courage, faith, and persistency to climb the steep Path of Attainment; by those who brave the rocky, narrow footpath; by those who are appalled not when they gaze down upon the canyons far beneath them, seeing the multitude of crawling, creeping things that look like tiny ants-the world of men living on the lower planes of thought. A clear head, steady nerves, sound lungs, strong muscles, and sure feet are needed by those who would attain the heights.
Do you possess these?
Have you the courage to leave behind you all preconceived notions, superstitions, and prejudices of finite life?
Have you the intellectual daring which alone will enable you to make foot places along the jagged cliffs in which your feet must be placed one after the other as you mount higher and higher?
Have you the persistency which will cause you to proceed thus, step by step, mounting higher and higher toward Truth without becoming dizzy when you chance to look downward over the immense distances which you have traversed?
Have you the constancy which will enable you to look upward and not downward, forward and not backward, on the Path, caring for naught except to reach the summit of the highest peak of the mountain of Truth?
If you have these, O Seeker! then are you invited to participate in the Quest for Truth, in the Inquiry for Ultimate Reality, which is Spirit.
You are invited to pursue the quest for this underlying, fundamental, actual, enduring, absolute Truth, this Ultimate Verity-Reality.
The journey is long, arduous, and tedious. Its path is strewn with jagged rocks, which torment and bruise the feet of the intellect. Its grade is steep, and the traveler ofttimes loses his breath and feels insecure of his footing. His head swims and becomes dizzy.
The spiritual air is very rare, and the unaccustomed lungs of thought pant with the unusual exertion. For remember, the Path of Knowledge leading to the recognition and realization of Reality winds around the sides of the steepest and highest mountain of human mentation. He who reaches its summit-he who gains its highest peak-has found "that which, when known, all things are known.
Click here for the accompanying reading
The podcast currently has 33 episodes available.