Lily talks with Patricia Cardona, who is committed to training parents on how to prevent child sex abuse. With passion, experience, and unmatched knowledge she speaks openly on Beyond The Current Situation.
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Patricia's work in educating parents has been critical in helping our children and children's children escape the unfathomable acts of child sex abuse around the world.
This episode unveils the horrifying truths and facts on CSA (child sex abuse) and highlights some of the phrases and responses parents should learn in order to support their children against predators of sexual abuse.
Moreover, Patricia Cardona stresses the importance of making these practices as a parent, a daily habit. It is a parenting habit that is to be adopted and cultivated in order to ensure a child's safety against CSA.
Her new book, "Phrases You Should Never Say in the Face of Sexual Abuse" is currently available in Spanish. She is looking to circulate it throughout all of Spain, and Latin America.
Patricia expects to have it responsibly translated and written in English for the USA and all English speaking countries to use as a tool to train parents around the world.
Book available in paperback and digital:
Frases que nunca deberías decir ante un abuso sexual
About Patricia Cardona:
From Mallorca, Spain is a warrior survivor of intra and extra familial child sexual abuse. She is a self-taught poet, a radio broadcaster, a speaker, an actress, and a telecommunications engineer. She collaborates with RANA (Red de Ayuda a Niños Abusados, or Aid Network for Abused Children), and she is a Steward of Children by Darkness to Light.
She is an activist as well. She is part of BraveMovement, a survivor-centered global movement fighting to end childhood sexual violence.
She has already made two trips to Brussels at the TownHall Europe and the European Parliament to speak with members of Parliament. These trips were to stress the need of having the COM (2022) 209: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse passed and to request to strengthen the law with support to victims. Next trip to Brussels is on 18th September.
She broke her silence publicly in April 2019 in a poetry event. The guests told her she was brave. Since then she understands the value of telling her story and creating a safe space to talk about trauma and overcoming it. Her missions in life are to break the taboo of child sexual abuse and to bring survivors out of the shadows for them to dazzle the world with their light and strength.
Patricia gives child sexual abuse prevention workshops and talks about transforming pain into purpose, overcoming fear, forgiveness and breaking the silence.