Power of Vito and Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) are back for another week of Big Brothers. The guys start off admitting that their pre-season prediction were less than stellar, even their week 2 guesses look like shit now.
Adam wanted to answer a Twitter question from @MooseShartley about his time in the house and how DR sessions work.
Also Matt and Ali from Hoboken asked Adam about Nick’s Tattoo and we want to know if you think he purposely got it to be made like Taylor Swift or he’s just that clueless. Tweet us your answer @BigBrothersPod
This Weeks Topics:
Adam’s Big Brother Rankings: Sam is Number One and THREE TOFURKEYS Get Crowned (Nick, Bella and Cliff)
Jackson’s Hinky Vote, is it useful or does it just cause un necessary chaos that comes back to bite the person in the ass.
Camp Comeback: Will it stick around for more seasons? Does Camp Comeback and Battleback in general impact early game decisions?
David’s game: We said he was aloof and naïve pre-season. Where does he stand now?
Cliff getting caught with his morning ritual “Cliff Notes”, who else has done this daily talks and how did they not caught. Is Cliff an asset to keep around not knowing people are listening to him.
Adam gives a short recap on the dramatic kidnapping of Orwell the owl. Why did Cliff love holding on to it and who was behind the theft. Adam also has a conspiracy about the outcome of the Owl.
All we ever want is houseguests here to play a game, even though this people are bad at the game they’re playing. Can we be satisfied with that?