What if we applied the concept of “enough” when designing and building our homes?
In a world where we are overshooting many planetary boundaries, it is important to ask the question - what is enough? What is enough for me to live a happy and healthy life, while allowing “enough” for other people and other planetary life forms to flourish?
The housing industry is a big contributor to greenhouse emissions, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and waste generation. It's an important area for examination of how we could be doing things differently.
Today I speak with Jane Hilliard, founding director and head designer at Tasmanian based company Designful, a company with a passion for making great design available to more people, to support them in leading healthy, sustainable and meaningful lifestyles.
Jane applies the concept of “enoughness” when working with her clients and believes this concept is critical for transitioning the housing industry to be more regenerative in the face of the global environmental and social crises we are experiencing.
Today we cover off:
- Jane’s background in the building design industry;
- Jane’s company Designful, and Homeful by Designful – what these companies offer and how they operate to challenge the status quo;
- Which areas of the building/design/construction industry Jane views as the most problematic right now and the level of awareness of environmental impacts present in the industry right now;
- How modern home design contributes to the phenomenon of “disconnection” from the natural, living world;
- Which design elements help to facilitate connection to community, place and the living world;
- Which elements of the legislative framework require reform to transition the industry to be more regenerative;
- Jane’s vision for the building design/construction industry in 2050.
Show links:
- Jane Hilliard “about” info - http://www.designful.com.au/team/
- Designful Website – http://www.designful.com.au/
- Homeful by Designful website - http://www.designful.com.au/homeful-by-designful/
- The Undercover Architect podcast episodes featuring Jane - https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-designing-your-home-using-enoughness-jane-hilliard-designful/
- Goodlife Permaculture website - https://goodlifepermaculture.com.au/
- Jason Hickel’s Less is More book mentioned by Jane - https://www.jasonhickel.org/less-is-more
- Adrienne Maree Brown podcast mentioned by Sophie https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/octavias-parables/id1519024926