When we decided to continue our conversation on the power of collaboration and partnering we thought of no one would be better to join us than Gaby and Nadia, our boss besties from Miami.
This was a fun interview filled with concrete examples of ways we all have used the power of we to create amazing things in our lives. This is a must episode for anyone who is seeking motivation and inspiration for creative ways to engage with others to further a shared vision. From business partnerships that started in coffee shops, to artistic partnerships that launched from Instagram, there is a little something for everyone in this one!
Highlights include:
- The amazing story of how these two ladies met 2x in one day and what came next!
- How a down home Internet forced Nadia to a coffee shop where she met their third biz partner
- Taking risks and going for it, signing leases, moving states and saying yes before you are ready!
- The importance of listening to your intuition when partnering
- Seeking out ways to collaborate that are purely based on a shared passion and love for fun not for financial gain
- Brand pillars, what are they and how are they useful when leveraging the power of we
- Gaby and Nadia answer our Black Sheep questions, "how does your family describe what you do," and "which member of TLC do you most embody?
- Connect with Gaby and Nadia on Instsgram their fave place to do social
...and if you are in Miami at #TheCreativeGirls HQ http://thecreativegirls.com/
And stay tuned whose knows when we might do a Miami Meet up Black Sheep Style with #TheCreativeGirls
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