I am more than my autoimmune ~ there is more to my story, but for today I will be sharing my update Hashiomots Thyroids journey and where I am at with my co-host and registered dietician Jessica Kotlowitz on the final episode of season 3.
We get to 100's of your questions that include but not limited to:
What is Hashies?
What are the symptoms?
Do I still experience flare-ups if so what are they and how often?
What and how with testing for Hashies?
What medication am I on, is it helping?
How to decrease thyroid antibodies?
Did my boob job cause it?
Have I experienced referred pain because of Hashies?
Did Hashies affect my cycle?
Do I feel more tired than other people my age?
What diet do I follow { do I avoid anything? }
Do I still eat gluten, sugar, and dairy?
Did I follow an illumination diet?
Did eating a more plant-based diet help?
How do I manage with digestion?
Did I cut out unnatural beauty and cleaning products?
Do I struggle to lose weight and have no energy to exercise?
Does stress make it worse?
Do certain things tire me out more quickly?
I also share who is the next guest and topic for season four, so make sure to stay till the end!
Thank you for your love and support ~ and a MASSIVE thank you to Jess for taking the time to share your knowledge with us.
See you for season 4 in October!