Welcome back to this emergency series of Body Cons!
If you’ve listened to our previous series of Body Cons you might notice this one sounds a little different. This is because we’re each recording the interviews separately and making the podcast remotely. It’s not possible to travel the country together to have these conversations around people’s kitchen tables, but hopefully you’ll forgive the less than perfect sound quality of this series and still enjoy these important conversations.
This episode is introduced by Molly, while Lottie interviews the brilliant Caoimhe Green and Tanisha Barrett from OTR, a mental health social movement for young people living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire. They chat body image during the pandemic, the pressures and challenges young people aged 11-25 are facing in these areas, along with useful resources and places to find support.
This episode does come with a Trigger Warning as some of the content discusses eating disorders and disordered eating.
Email: [email protected] |Tweet: @bodyconspodcast | Instagram: @bodyconspodcast
Sign up to the newsletter: http://www.bodyconspodcast.com/
Molly’s tip this week: Ellyn Satter on “Normal eating” – https://www.ellynsatterinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/What-is-normal-eating-Secure.pdf
Caoimhe Green and Tanisha Barrett
OTR (Off The Record) – https://www.otrbristol.org.uk
Shameless (OTR Body image group) – https://www.otrbristol.org.uk/what-we-do/shameless/
Shameless Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/otrshameless/
Dove Self Esteem project – https://www.dove.com/uk/dove-self-esteem-project.html
Mysenseofself – Diana Anti Bullying and ASOS project – https://www.antibullyingpro.com/asos-resources
PSHE Association body image resources – https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/search/node/body%20image
Curvesome Yoga – http://www.curvesomeyoga.com
Jessamyn Stanley yoga – http://jessamynstanley.com
Rupi Kaur moth poem – https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8872910-representation-is-vital-otherwise-the-butterfly-surrounded-by-a-group
Molly Forbes: @mollyjforbes | Lottie Storey: @lottie_storey
Artwork by Hannah Broadway @hannahkbroadway
Music: Teeth White by The Staves, used under license from Warner Music (PRS & PPL)
Sound FX and bed music: Epidemic Sound
Produced by Molly Forbes