Book Reading Marathon Challenge Day 55- The 4 Dimensions of Excellence.
While I was interviewing and reading the life history of many successful people for my blog in ,I just observed them and I asked myself…
"What is it about them that made them successful?"
Did they know something that the rest of us didn’t?
For a while, I didn’t see much so I had to be patient.
Overtime, I started to see a core pattern.
And the more questions I asked, the more I saw this pattern.
What was this core pattern to their mega success?
It was what I called The 4 Dimensions of Excellence
Think of it like the 4 core pillars that determine how successful someone becomes in their industry.
I showed this simple idea to many students.
And they told me what dimensions they felt were missing in their life.
When we worked on the dimensions they felt were missing…
They were able to build greater wealth, relationships and health even faster.
Listen to this Podcast to know about these 4 dimensions of Excellence.