Jeremy Miller, president of Sticky Branding, helps me shape the brand of my new production company, and guides me through the process of picking a brand new name.
In this epic episode, Jeremy and I discuss his two books - Sticky Branding and Brand New Name. The best part is that he coaches me through the process of developing my brand and coming up with a new name for my next company. This is like listening in on a personal coaching session, with a ton of valuable information.
The interview is split into three sections. First, we talk about Sticky Branding. Next, we talk about Brand New Name, and Jeremy gets me ready to go on a "naming sprint." In the last section, we reconvene, and I reveal the name of my new company.
*Note: My mic wasn't working properly in the first part of our interview. Please bear with the sound - Jeremy's part is more important anyway!
Visit Jeremy here:
Sticky Branding
Crisis Marketing E-Book
Let me know what you took away from this episode!