A group Black Female authors get together to host an epic International Giveaway on Instagram.
Catch up with the ladies about themselves and their books and then reveal the winner of the giveaway!
Books and their Authors up for grabs:
Heavy is the Head by @authorknl
Marcario's Scepter by @mjmcgriff
Kore by @authorambrosiaharris
Lured by the Dusk by @angelajfordbooks
Fit for the Throne by @smcphersonbooks
Errant by @authormontrez
Wolves of Duty by @charliauthor
Fanged: Blood and Water by @tiannalerayauthor
The Fall of Souls by @r.a.moreau
In the House of Transcendence by @amandatheeauthorross
We Are the Origin by @writtennmelanin
Tales of Novia by @jcageauthor