In this special live-premier episode of Borderless, Nataliya Melnyk, communications director at Bendukidze Free Market Center, a Kyiv, Ukraine-based Atlas Network partner, joins host Vale Sloane to discuss the ongoing invasion of her country by Vladimir Putin. Melnyk has chosen to remain inside Ukraine despite the Kremlin’s advance, offering her an up-close-and-personal view of the progression of the war and its effects on Ukraine and its people. She shares with Borderless viewers why it is still important to pay attention to this war and why it is still critical for countries that value human freedom to continue to send aid to Ukraine to support its self-defense.
Melnyk’s organization, Bendukidze Free Market Center, has continued to advance liberty despite the invasion. Instead of folding under the weight of the crisis, they are rising to meet the challenge and seizing the opportunity to point out the flaws in past policy that can be corrected to enable a better future. Tune in to learn where they are focusing their efforts and how she and the center are using support from Atlas Network’s Ukraine Freedom Fund to build a better Ukraine for all.
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