Jesse is joined by Doug, Vic and Roman of Steam Powered Scoundrels fame to give an overview of the Red Library/Story keyword from the new Madness of Malifaux expansion. This episode is SUPER SERIOUS.
Be sure to check out the links below for information on Good Things Happen, Doug and Vic's charity tournament taking place 6/16/23-6/18/23!
Today's drinks:
Jesse - Homebrewed Belgian Saison
Doug - Lemonade Truly
Roman - Teeling Small Batch Old Fashioned
Vic - Truly Pineapple Lemonade and Tequila Sunrise
Good Things Happen Facebook page Flush With Cash Longshanks page Voxcaster's Open Longshanks Brawls and Brewsers Longshanks Tournament packet Ko-fi link to pre-pay or donate!
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