Jesse and Adam introduce themselves and discuss their gaming history. They go over what they've been playing and what they plan to work on next. They also each highlight models they feel need adjustments, Jesse makes a case for McTavish needing some love and Adam says why Winged Plague are as bad as they probably smell. Finally, we share our thoughts on the two most recently released Explorer's Society models, Dr. Beebe/Calypso and Anya Lycarayen/Sovereign.
Today's drink recipes:
-Jesse - Margarita Gose. 50% German wheat malt, 25% German pilsner malt, 20% German Acidulated Malt, 5% rice hulls, 9 IBU's German Hallertauer hops, 1oz salt and 1oz Indian coriander per 5 gallons. Fermented with Imperial Yeast Dieter @ 60F, ramped up to 69F. Make tincture with white tequila, peels of 8 limes and a handful of medium toast oak cubes, let sit for 2 weeks during primary fermentation and add 1/2 cup tincture to 5 gallons finished beer. Juice limes and add at the end of the boil.
Adam - Tito's and cranberry. You can figure this one out.
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