Welcome to Episode 234 of BORN TO BE WILD, a Wild (and Wild-adjacent) exclusive Hearthstone podcast where we have fun hanging out with friends, talking about the Wild format of Hearthstone and spotlighting members of the Wild Community!
This week Hydralisk and Schmoopydady discuss our weeks, The Year of the Raptor and what is to become of the future in HS!
0:00 Welcome
0:46 Housekeeping
2:12 How Was Your Week?
18:00 News and Discussion
1:02:38 Unrelated Advice
Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tOB63Q-QL8q0YMLsNidk08n061MRFslDEaaLbQKQYRw/edit?usp=sharing
Find us online at https://www.borntobewildhs.com/
*I realized after the episode that the Zergling pet was on WoW, not Diablo 3 - Hydra