Welcome to Episode 142 of BORN TO BE WILD, a Wild exclusive Hearthstone podcast where we have fun hanging out with friends, talking about the Wild format of Hearthstone and spotlighting members of the Wild Community!
This week Nate, Hydralisk & SchmoopieDaddy spend the episode with a very special guest... Italian, PhD, Electrical Engineer, Super Nerd, Dad x 2 and Wild Hearthstone Player - it's RobotKiller_HS! We discuss Wild Hearthstone news, including the new Wild bundles, our Heroic Brawliseum runs and the Ghoul Queen Scarlet upgraded Hero Power bug, then move on to our special topic of the week - Blood Death Knight! RobotKiller hit Legend on all 3 servers with Blood Death Knight and he talks through his list and how to pilot it.