Welcome to Episode 122 of BORN TO BE WILD, a Wild exclusive Hearthstone podcast where we have fun hanging out with friends, talking about the Wild format of Hearthstone and spotlighting members of the Wild Community!
This week Nate, Hydra & Sheep hang out with our friend and fellow content creator (and host of the Fighting Pit Mercenaries Podcast), ZombiesGoNomNom! We discuss the recent Hearthstone news and then jump into a Tier List for BM Emotes!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZombiesGoNomNom
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zombiezgonomnom
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/ZombiesGoNomNom
Check out our complete show notes on Google Docs, Link:
Find us online at https://www.borntobewildhs.com/