In this episode of Bottom Up, Romika Neupane, Dikesh Sikhrakar, and Phuntsok Ngokhang joined us to discuss their experiences with deadlifting, diet planning, mental preparation, physical competitions, the state of powerlifting in Nepal, their career and beyond. This episode is a power packed one. Tune in now!
Romika Neupane, a registered nurse, is the U55 Kgs Nationwide Powerlifting Champion of 2024 and holds the Under 55 National Deadlift Record from 2022. Dikesh Sikhrakar is the pound-for-pound strongest deadlifter at 60.7 Kg body weight. Joining them is Phuntsok Ngokhang, a U83 powerlifter and the owner of Barbell Nepal, Deadlift Championship Nepal, and Gainz Nepal.
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Bottom Up is a podcast about people's inspiring life stories where they transform their lowest moments to seed growth. People's lowest moments in life result in a steep learning curve and can impact them in unexpected ways. This podcast is meant to help normalize the fact that not being in the best place is okay as well as teach the audience to learn and grow in adverse situations.
This is a Vyasa Media Network Presentation.
Quick disclaimer: This segment is all about keeping things light and fun. Just so you know, the views and comments shared here don't necessarily reflect what the channel stands for. We're just here to entertain you, and we certainly don't want to step on anyone's toes. So, let's dive in and enjoy the good vibes together.
#18 #bottomuppodcast #manavjoshi #romikaneupane #dikeshsikhrakar #phuntsokngokhang #bottomup #manavjoshipodcast #weightlifting #powerlifting #deadlifting #barbellnepal #deadliftchampionshipnepal
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