Erica Goodstone, PhD author of “Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me: The Path to Physical, Emotional, Sexual, and Spiritual Reawakening” shares how love can form the foundation of a long-lasting and successful relationship – no matter what. While love alone is not enough, it does give your relationship a fighting chance; find out how in this informative interview.
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Dr. Goodstone reveals several healing modalities and discusses how she works with couples to get to the underlying cause of their primary relationship issue. She also explores the roles of selecting the right partner in the first place, then treating them with respect, trusting them, and loving them as key ingredients to keep things on the right track. Sounds simple, but as we all know, it isn’t simple at all.
By integrating physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual dimensions, Dr. Goodstone takes a comprehensive approach to clients both as individuals and as their role as part of a couple. She provides tips to weather the inevitable storms in long-term relationships; if you expect them you are better prepared to deal with them. Dr. Goodstone busts the myth that your past determines your future. You can change the course of your relationship; listen in to learn how.
Dr. Goodstone answers key questions:
What does touch or body therapy have to do with improving relationships?
Can people improve their relationships by reading books and quoting affirmations?
Where do you begin if you really want to heal your relationship?
What would you tell someone who says, “We can’t go for counseling because they’ll never change?
And at the end of the show this week’s Just Say No To The Status QuoTM tip is about how to heal your relationship. Donna Marie explores three things to do and three things not to do to have a warm and healthy relationship.
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