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The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.
Special guest Pat Bubash, counselor, author, speaker, and Stephen Minister specializing in positive marriage outcomes joins Donna Marie to share key tips and lessons from her book “Successful Second Marriages.” The divorce rate from first marriages is approaching 50% while the divorce rate of second marriages is approaching 75%. Clearly not a good track record here. So what can you do to make sure that you are not in those numbers?
Pat answers pressing questions including What is the criteria for a successful marriage or a lasting relationship? What about those couples who planned, anticipated, overspent on elaborate weddings on to see them fail? In Successful Second Marriages, to what extent did the nine couples share the same hopes and expectations as couples we see on television?
In the 3-tips segment, Pat shares three things to do to achieve relationship mastery. And in her final message, Pat guides couples to avail themselves of the plentiful resources rather than calling it quits.
And at the end of the show in this week’s Just Say No To The Status QuoTM segment Donna Marie explores ways to improve your chances to have a successful relationship.
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Special guest Sally Franz, author of the Amazon Best Seller “Scrambled Leggs…a Snarky Tale of Hospital Hooey”
and award winning author of “Monster Lies…a Woman’s Guide to Controlling her Destiny ” reveals top tips and strategies from seemingly insurmountable losses. Sally lets us in on Dr. Marshall Rosenberg’s approach to understanding your deepest emotional needs, using non-violent communication, and developing a creative strategy to get your own needs met. As it turns out, you must be responsible for meeting your own needs for love, compassion, connection, and respect but others can come along for the ride.
Sally shows us how you actually go from being angry to bouncing back. She shows us the incredible power of humor. And for those who are stuck in remorse, what ifs, and spinning round and round re-hashing everything trying to see if there were clues before the train wreck, Sally has an answer for you.
Sally also shares her thoughts about why we are here noting our two jobs on this planet: enjoy the beauty and help others. You can’t do either when you are immobilized with grief, shame, and longing. So it’s time to bounce back.
And at the end of the show in this week’s Just Say No To The Status Quo segment Donna Marie explores proven techniques to Bouncing Back from Adversity.
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Special guest Dr. Nikki Instone, author of the “To Live an Incredible Life: A Simple Guide to Using Your Thoughts and Feelings to Create the Life You Want”, shares her insights on your true power to direct your life. Do you know why you feel the way you feel? Do you know why you think the way you think? Dr. Instone unravels the mystery. When you know what you need to know about the world around you, it all changes for you. Life gets easier. Your relationship gets easier. Really.
Dr. Nikki shares with us the most important steps to take after a big break up. She unlocks the secrets to healing a broken heart after a painful experience.
And Dr. Nikki explains the role of our emotions and goes on to describe techniques that can be helpful to deal with them in our daily lives and in our romantic relationships. In the interview, we dive into the dangers of holding faulty beliefs and we explore the harmful effects of the troublesome word “should” and the relationship problems that it causes. Dr. Instone also gives advice on how to prepare to start a new relationship. Then she shares her three best pieces of advice. Tune in to make all of these powerful tools your own.
And at the end of the show in this week’s Just Say No To The Status Quo segment Donna Marie explores “Feelings – Who is in Control”? and sets you off on a personal challenge involving three of your own feelings.
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Erica Goodstone, PhD author of “Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me: The Path to Physical, Emotional, Sexual, and Spiritual Reawakening” shares how love can form the foundation of a long-lasting and successful relationship – no matter what. While love alone is not enough, it does give your relationship a fighting chance; find out how in this informative interview.
Dr. Goodstone reveals several healing modalities and discusses how she works with couples to get to the underlying cause of their primary relationship issue. She also explores the roles of selecting the right partner in the first place, then treating them with respect, trusting them, and loving them as key ingredients to keep things on the right track. Sounds simple, but as we all know, it isn’t simple at all.
By integrating physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual dimensions, Dr. Goodstone takes a comprehensive approach to clients both as individuals and as their role as part of a couple. She provides tips to weather the inevitable storms in long-term relationships; if you expect them you are better prepared to deal with them. Dr. Goodstone busts the myth that your past determines your future. You can change the course of your relationship; listen in to learn how.
Dr. Goodstone answers key questions:
What does touch or body therapy have to do with improving relationships?
Can people improve their relationships by reading books and quoting affirmations?
Where do you begin if you really want to heal your relationship?
What would you tell someone who says, “We can’t go for counseling because they’ll never change?
And at the end of the show this week’s Just Say No To The Status QuoTM tip is about how to heal your relationship. Donna Marie explores three things to do and three things not to do to have a warm and healthy relationship.
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Kristen M. White, PhD author of “R U Red-e 4 Conflict – Speaking Human in a Digital Age” shares how technology can interfere with romantic relationships.
Dr. White reveals a few simple things you can do to put your relationship on the right track. She explains what good communication looks like and gives specific tips for good communication in couples. She goes on to provide tips on avoiding top taboos in relationship communication. Dr. White explores specific ways that people fail in communicating and show us new skills that anyone can use to improve their communications. And what a difference it makes when people use their tools!
The benefits go well beyond solving the issue at hand and carry over into many areas of the relationship to yield more peace and harmony. And who doesn’t want that? Dr. White also dispels the myths that these skills are difficult and dispatches other objections that people have raised in her practice. She breaks down the walls and removes the difficulties in applying these skills in relationship communications.|
And at the end of the show this week’s Just Say No To The Status QuoTM tip is titled “How can you communicate effectively?” Donna Marie explores what to do before to prepare for a relationship communication and what to do during the communication to get the results that you want.
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Dr. Ed Daube author of “Emotions as Tools” shines the light on the power that we could have – or do have – over our emotions. When we understand the source of our emotions and their roles in our lives as signals, we can then begin to make our relationship communication decisions at choice. With awareness. And what a difference that makes! Dr. Daube shares his important insights on reacting and responding to these signals to make a healthy relationship stronger and to improve a relationship on the brink.
Dr. Daube reveals key dimensions of four primary emotions that play a role in our lives including: fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame. Do you know the difference between fear and anxiety? Do you know the difference and the appropriate response to fear and anxiety? How do you react when faced with fear or anxiety? Can you see how the distinction between reacting and responding could change the outcome of a relationship conversation?
Can you see the impact on your relationship based on the way that you respond to a question or comment? Each emotion, if we interpret it correctly; can convey valuable information or we can miss the point entirely – at our peril. Dr. Daube also discusses the daily transitions that we make between work and home and what we need to do to make these transitions smooth ones. Our relationship suffers when we don’t, yet happily, the answer is truly quick and simple.
How then can you become more aware – to take the time to process the signals and prepare an appropriate response? A little bit of effort can make a big difference, not only in your marriage or romantic relationship but also in all of your other relationships as well.
And at the end of the interview, Donna Marie shares her weekly Just Say No to the Status Quo TM tip featuring insights into using our emotions as part of the solution to relationship issues and problems.
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Dr. Karen Sherman, co-author of “Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, and Make It Last” reveals key dimensions of a successful long-lasting marriage. She outlines the contrived behaviors on display during the courtship phase where we are putting our best foot forward. Most of us are not even aware or conscious of what we are doing – we are doing everything we can it keep the nascent relationship alive. And so we miss all of the signals. We miss the important issues of love compatibility.
Then as couples we tend to lose those wonderful feelings during the honeymoon phase – no wonder. Dr. Sherman outlines the role that love plays in our relationships and what it takes to build a strong foundation to make a relationship flourish and endure – in good times and in bad. Relationships seem get into trouble without the couple realizing it. How does this happen? What are the kinds of things a couple has to do in order to bring their relationship back to life, to create that spark again? If things are not good with your present partner, is it better to stay with that person and try to work things out? What is the best course of action? When does it makes sense to end a relationship? Dr Sherman, a licensed psychologist in New York who has been in private practice for 25 years and married for 35 years, answers these and other important relationship questions.
And at the end of the show, Donna Marie shares her weekly Just Say No to the Status Quo TM tip featuring ways to add spark to your relationship to keep love alive.
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As Donna Marie Thompson’s special guest, Ms. Sharón Lynn Wyeth, author of “Know the Name: Know the Person”, reveals the secrets that are contained in your name — and in everyone else’s. Who knew that your beliefs and behaviors are based on the letters and the order of the letters in your name?
Sharón invented neimology, a science that describes the characteristics contained in names; the system has been tested in 70 countries where our alphabet is being used. Neimology is the culmination of 15 years of research, testing, and refinement. Sharón explains the relative importance of first names, middle names, maiden names, last names, and hyphenated names on the types of relationships and interactions that you have in your life. She discusses compatible name pairs and incompatible name pairs that warrant a caution flag.
Sharón advises that all is not lost if you are married to someone and your names appear to clash – you probably already know who you are – especially if you are named Connie and Don. In her book, Sharón lays out the steps that you can take to increase your chances of improved compatibility and increased happiness after you become aware of your default tendencies based on your name. The book website is
And at the end of the show, Donna Marie shares her weekly Just Say No to the Status Quo TM tip featuring ways to improve your relationship communications, no matter what your name.
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As Donna Marie Thompson’s special guest, Mr. Bill Gladwell hypnotist, entertainer, dating mentor, and author shares his motto: Making changes will set in motion your new life. Bill’s dating advice to men and women alike is to be authentic, be real, be genuine, and to live an interesting life. Only when you present your true self can you find your true soul mate. Bill outlines how you first take stock of who you are and who you want to be, then you can continually work on yourself. You can proceed to make the changes you want to make at your own pace. While you are busy, you just might encounter a good partner for your next relationship – without even looking.
Bill shares new ideas on getting a date and how to take the pressure off of meeting new people. If you are shy or an introvert, Bill shares with us his 3-foot rule. Then when you are ready for that important first date, Bill has suggestions to reduce the stress. We often shudder at the thought of a first date – but it is supposed to be fun, after all. The first date can be fun — or not. Your attitude is paramount along with a few other key factors. He tells us why movies are a bad first date. Where you go on that first date can also play a key role in how much you get to know your date. This step is essential to assess your love compatibility factors. Bill shares fun do’s and don’ts on conversation topics on a first date and advises us to be curious and to have fun. You just never know, you could be on your way to beginning a new relationship.
And at the end of the show, Donna Marie shares her weekly Just Say No to the Status Quo TM tip featuring ways to break the ice and begin to date successfully.
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Special guest Vanessa Taylor, author of Text. Love. Power: The Ultimate Guide for Texting and Dating in the New Millennium, shares her experience and expertise to: i) guide women to employ the power of texting—and not texting—to pique a man’s interest, ii) overcome fears of stopping the free flow of texts to men, and iii) find empowerment using technology while getting and keeping their guy. Vannesa reveals common texting taboos and tells us about the “Rules.” This show is designed for single women, divorcees, teens, and women with friends who are texting while dating; it’s against the rules. Vanessa explains how texting affects feminine power early in the relationship. And at the end of the show, Donna Marie shares her weekly Just Say No to the Status Quo TM tip featuring ways to use texting for positive results in relationships. So before you send that next text, tune in.
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The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.