Today on the Brass on the Mind Podcast I’m delighted to welcome an old friend and well-known brass band figure, Mark Wilkinson.
Mark has been the principal cornet player of the world famous Foden’s Band for nearly three decades and he is also Chairman of the Association of Brass Band Adjudicators.
I’m chatting to him about managing the pressures of consistently playing to the highest level on a principal seat and also the importance of supporting better mental health in brass bands as an adjudicator.
There may have been a few internet connection gremlins due to geography and social distancing during COVID-19, but nonetheless, grab a cuppa and enjoy.
Thank you to Mark for his time and perspective. To find out more about what Mark and the Foden's Band get up to, visit or follow Mark on Twitter @wilky123
The point of the Brass on the Mind podcast is to bring open and honest conversations about mental health and brass bands into the banding movement, so I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s instalment.
We all have mental health, we just don’t always like to chat about the lows as much as the highs, but with open, honest and non-judgemental chat we can help create a supportive and understanding environment in our brass band movement and ultimately help, encourage and retain our musicians.
For more information on mental health in brass bands, head over to or join the Brass on the Mind Facebook group at
Please also take time to follow my Facebook pages at Mode for - Tabby Kerwin and Mode for...Publishing
Together we can start the conversations about the taboo subjects, keep talking and sharing experiences for better mental health for all of us.
I look forward to you joining me again next time.
Brass on the Mind Theme Music: Double Trumpet Concerto (Vivaldi arr. Simon Kerwin - performed by Rothwell Temperance Band). Taken from the album 'Lago' available to purchase at