You are going to need a pen + paper for this one! Or an extra cup of coffee to match our guest Olivia Glossers's ENERGY!
Olivia is a young and successful business mentor and she spills the tea on how she said no to a secure corporate job after college and YES to going after her dreams.
When we think of brave..we think of Olivia and after this episode you will too!
Here are her words:
"Everything that you desire, your dreams/goals/desires, are on the other side of a big and scary move.
Maybe it’s starting a business, investing in a mentor, or joining a program.
Whatever it is, the moves that will take you to your next level are the ones that are both scary and exciting!
Every investment made into yourself can be scary, but you should do it anyway because on the other side of that fear is what you desire.
You’ll need courage.
You’ll need bravery.
But it’s only one decision away."
Follow her on Instagram here:
Brave Babes Instagram:
Atomic Habits book: