Zachariah is the writer and co-producer of The Raven Societea, and Ghosts of The Past, as well as co-producer with The Witches Brew LA. He is an active Spiritual Advisor, Mentor, and the Leader of the Los Angeles Black Hat Society. Zachariah is the Host of the weekly live-streaming series: #AroundTheCauldron. Zachariah has been a guest leading seances at The Historic Harris House, Diehl & Marcus Curiosities Shop, and other haunted locations. He has been featured on many podcasts and live-streaming shows such as Hollyweird Paranormal, Ghost Magnet with Bridget Marquardt, The Poetry Brothel, Let’s Be Witches, and more. He is a practicing witch who utilizes numerology, tarot, and many other forms of divination to help clients find the answers they seek. Outside of his spiritual teachings and assistance, he is a gifted performer with a background in acting, writing, singing, cabaret, guitar, piano, storytelling, and songwriting. You can find Zachariah on-stage with productions like Beauty of Burlesque at The Globe theater or behind the scenes throughout Los Angeles, Detroit, and Chicago.