Welcome to Breaking Twilight, a podcast by two friends and old-school Twihards. Join us while we dissect the phenomenon of Twilight in the real world, poke holes in the lore, and goof about our favourite 100-year-old teens. This week, for our grand finale, we decided to fix Twilight instead of break it.
Thank you so much to everyone who has ever listened to our show. It's been such a fun project to work on and we appreciate you for coming along for the ride.
But don't worry! This won't be the last you'll hear from us.
Join us on Twitter @OphiuchusRadio and keep an eye on this feed for details about our upcoming sci-fi audiodrama. Ophiuchus Radio, coming 2021.
Truth vs Twilight: https://www.burkemuseum.org/static/truth_vs_twilight/
Move To Higher Grounds: https://mthg.org/
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