Belief is a powerful thing.
Most of your beliefs were ingrained onto to you by your relatives and those you were closest with. Even today, you are who you surround yourself with. The events this week are terribly tragic and we have to do better. The problem with society right now is that everyone has an opinion but no one is listening. We are not working to come up with solutions. The system is rigged.
Fear is a powerful tool and it is ruling us. Racism is alive and well. Wecontinue to fan the flames because we are afraid to let go of who we are. We are comfortable. We get defensive because we think everyone is out to get us. We need to stop being selfish this is bigger than just your or my opinion. We are upset because we have to open our eyes to others pain and anger. It’s inconvenient. We are too quick to judge without walking in others shoes. We will never understand the others side if we refuse to take down our walls and open our hearts and minds to the issue of human rights. We should all be treated equally and until we decide to get uncomfortable and work towards change we will continue this same path.
This is not something that has just happened overnight. This is generational. The battle has always been white vs. black, republicans vs. democrat, male vs. female. It’s always two parties pitted against one another to divide a society. We are better than this.
We are being diverted from the real issue. The real issue is empathy and compassion for yourself and others. It is ok to break from the beliefs that were passed along to you through your life. It is scary to stray away from who you believe yourself to be but it is scarier if you aren’t willing to open your mind to what others are experiencing. We need to love one another and work together, not against each other.
If you want to make a change, it all begins with you. What you choose to do from here is what will make a difference or not. Don’t wait on others to make the change. It will never happen if you do.