The episodes that include Easter eggs thus far are as follows: 1 in “Magnets,” 1 in “Flag,” 1 in “Canyon,” 1 that can be found in every episode so far, and 1 overarching one that has been added to with each episode released. All Easter eggs must be explained to win the prize, although they don't all have to be done in one sitting (you can call in multiple times with partial answers; we'll keep track of the ones you've solved). Only explanations received from here on out count – if you have previously explained the Easter eggs to us (or had them explained to you), you’re ineligible. Our staff has final say on correctness – if you find something that could be considered an Easter egg but isn’t what we’re looking for, or if you find what we’re looking for but don’t give us the explanation we have in mind, great job! But no prize for you. With all of that in mind, good luck!