Brianna Sylver was facing a challenging time in her business. Seismic shifts in the industries she served translated to a shrinking client base. She was exhausted and unhappy with the way she was showing up as a businesswoman, wife and mother. That’s when she found a new mentorship group that helped her tap into her spirituality—and cultivate it purposefully in her business. She found her center as an individual, and over time, she found the center of her business as well.
Sylver is the Founder and President of Sylver Consulting, a global inquiry and innovation firm operating at the nexus of market research, UX design and strategy. The Sylver Consulting team supports Fortune 500 companies in the transformation of their brands by providing clarity and focus around their next steps of growth. Sylver has been recognized for her contributions to the fields of innovation and consumer insights, and she speaks regularly on topics such as innovation culture, hybrid research methodologies and entrepreneurship. She earned her Master’s in Human-Centered Communication Design from the IIT Institute of Design in Chicago.
Today, Sylver shares her journey as an accidental entrepreneur, explaining how her strength in understanding the strategic side of design and a partnership with LaSalle Bank led to the birth of her company. She offers insight around finding new clients by understanding how you best connect with people and describes how to look at sales as an opportunity to serve others. Listen in for Sylver’s insight on bringing together the spiritual and business aspects of your life and learn how to reengineer your business systems for continuous, sustainable growth.
Leverage how you best connect with people to find new clients. Sylver has grown her company by leaning into her relationship-based, go-giving spirit, expanding her client base by talking to people at conferences and networking on LinkedIn.
You have been called to serve others by helping them solve problems. If you’re uncomfortable selling your services, change your perception: Remember that you are helping people rise to the best version of themselves as an individual or organization.
Don’t be afraid to marry the spiritual and business aspects of your life. Sylver overcame a challenging time in her career by tapping into her spirituality and cultivating it in a purposeful way through her business.
Re-engineer your business systems to support continuous, sustainable growth. The systems that brought you to a particular point of growth may not be the systems that are going to take you to the next level.
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