First he and his kids are sued by the New York Attorney General. We guess you're NOT supposed to raise millions of dollars under the guise of charity and then use that money to buy little trinkets for yourself, pay off non-foundation debts and fund a presidential campaign, Who Knew? And then the DOJ IG Report doesn't go his way! Trump was SURE the IG would show that Comey, the FBI and EVERYBODY IN THE DEEP STATE were collaborating in a CONSPIRACY OF EVIL to keep him from getting elected. What the report showed, however, was that Comey goofed in a way that HELPED Trump and HURT Hillary. And there wasn't a shred of evidence to show a deep state bias against Trump. The proof being, Trump won, Hillary lost, and word about the Russian Investigation didn't come out until AFTER the election, not BEFORE when it could have caused Trump damage. Sad.
Big day coming on Friday as Paul Manafort will likely be frog marched to the pokey for witness tampering and Michael Cohen loses his lawyer because Trump won't foot the bill any longer -- oh, yeah. Cohen could get frog marched his own self at any moment.
Trump announces his plans to open his Trumptastic Summer Sleepaway Camps for Brown Children.
And why were all those centegenarians BOTHERING Donald Trump during the campaign BEGGING him to bring back their sons' remains from Korea?
All this and God Knows What Else on today's show.