Munchausen and Munchausen bi proxy are two mental illnesses that effect many people around the world. They both mean the same but one is directed towards the adult whilst the other is more focused on the child. Normally you don't look at someone and think the have this, until you've focused on their behavior for a long time. Things that didn't make sense to you before suddenly do once you understand what this mental illness actually is. A person is always sick, can't function like a normal person, has all these medical problems but never an actual diagnosis. Proof is sent only in forms that indicate a possibility but never an actual report from that doctor. When questioned, the patient becomes irate and defensive, wants to show off the proof and has to constantly defend themselves. It's the same when it comes to the child, what people see vs what the parent says never adds up. They hop to and from hospitals and clinics and they will appear as a loving parent dedicated to their child's or their own healing while helping others go through it themselves. This segment is dedicated to Garnett Spears, who lived a life in an out of hospitals, was diagnosed at just 9 weeks old with failure to thrive, had an intestinal bi pass to help stop the vomiting, was placed with a feeding tube at 9 months, going from place to place with no indication that he was even sick by anyone other than his mother. Garnett passed away in a hospital with salt poisioning. If you or anyone you know have suspicions that someone may have this illness, do not be silent, speak out. Know the signs, save a life.