“The more tranquil a person becomes, the greater is their success, their influence, their power for good.” James Allen
"Building Success Habits" is a podcast hosted by Donna Kun
... moreBy IBGR onAir Talent Donna Kunde & Londina Cruz
“The more tranquil a person becomes, the greater is their success, their influence, their power for good.” James Allen
"Building Success Habits" is a podcast hosted by Donna Kun
... moreThe podcast currently has 364 episodes available.
“Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” – Bob Proctor The actions we take now are creating a future effect on our life. The beautiful thing about this law is that it emphasizes the amount of control we can assume over our lives—the ability to recreate our reality. What we sow, we shall reap. To make significant changes in our life, think through what actions we could take to set ourselves up for success. What does significant change look like and what steps could help you get there? The Law of Cause and Effect requires that we take ownership over our lives—the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of it. Thankfully, we have the power to create more of the good. Who you are is a cause and the life you have is the effect. The causes we initiate, impact what we will get in return. If we put out more abundant causes into the world (joy, appreciation, love, generosity), that is what we will receive in return. Who you are internally determines the cause and the effect is your compensation. To create more success, create a catalyst for success. If you're in sales, that means picking up the phone or opening your email to reach out to prospects. If you're an aspiring author, that means making time to write. Create the catalyst for change in your life. If you want to become a successful business person, ask yourself how you can incorporate some good habits into your current lifestyle to make you feel more like this successful business person. Find ways to create positive change in your life, whatever that means to you, so you can feel deserving of the positive effects. Our current life is a representation of how we view ourselves and the decisions we have made up to this point. Our habits are the cause and your current, present reality is the effect. You are in control; you are the catalyst. The thoughts, emotions, and behaviors you're experiencing are creating an effect. Your current identity is what you’re manifesting. Who you are is the cause of your life. You have the ability to choose differently at any moment. The laws just, are. There is no "right" or "wrong", "fair" or "unfair". You're simply creating and the life you have is a representation of this creation. At the core of all of these laws, is your expectation, your beliefs about yourself.
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!,everything is vibration
We are your single, one stop source for business success, period, end of story.
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“You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution.” – Bob Proctor Our expectation helps shape our reality, regardless of whether intentions are "good" or "bad". The Universe is neutral to the idea of “good” or “bad”. What matters is the intent behind our actions. It's about how WE perceive our own actions. If we believe our actions are good, that is what we get. If we believe our actions are bad, that is what we get in return. This is why seemingly "bad" people can accumulate wealth. They usually do not perceive themselves as "bad", they perceive themselves as abundant, lucky, in control, and wealthy, so that is what they get. The Universe is neutral and simply responds to the energy we put out. It’s easier to have confidence in what we are manifesting when we believe it will happen and expect it to happen. It can be much harder for the average person to garner the same sense of self-confidence in their own abundance and worthiness which translates to success in their lives. This has nothing to do with “fairness”. This is the Universe's response to our “cause”, your beliefs. We are causative beings. The Universe doesn't mark people as deserving or not deserving, it just responds to how we feel about ourselves.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
Listen to Live: IBGR.Network Subscribe to Our Podcast: Building Success Habits Podcast
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!, everything is vibration
“The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves.”- Bob Proctor All actions have a reaction, whether good or bad. Cause is the reason or action that produces results. Effect is the result of an action or cause. You can't have one without the other. To experience the benefits of this law, we must align our thoughts to influence our actions. Aligning ourselves with positive thoughts will set us up for a successful outcome. If we put in the work, the results will reflect our actions. If we want to be a New York bestselling author, we must put in the work. What we think and do becomes our reality. Ralph Waldo Emerson called the Law of Cause and Effect, “the Law of Laws.” This law decrees that whatever we send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite. Everything in the entire universe happens according to law—there is no such thing as chance. Every effect must have a cause; and in turn, that cause must have an effect. Thus, we have the perpetual, never-ending cycle of cause and effect.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
Listen to Live: IBGR.Network Subscribe to Our Podcast: Building Success Habits Podcast
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!,everything is vibration
The Energy of Business - The Law of Cause and Effect Ralph Waldo Emerson called the Law of Cause and Effect, “the Law of Laws.” This law decrees that whatever we send into the Universe comes back. Action and re-action are equal and opposite. “What goes around comes around.” “People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.” The Law of Cause and Effect basically says that what you put out comes back to either haunt you or help you. This law combines with the Law of Multiplication to dramatically impact our success. What we put out gets multiplied at least tenfold. Whatever we put out into the world,you get back multiplied.
S11 E13 The Energy of Business - Make The Law of Cause & Effect Work For You |IBGR | Donna Kunde & Londina Cruz
''Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. Action set up a reaction, and the action/reaction determines what you attract.'' - Bob Proctor. The law of cause and effect shows us that every effect in life has a cause. The law of cause and effect teaches us that we are in control of our outcomes. We are in control of our outcomes because our thoughts influence our reality and how we choose to perceive it. Whatever we put out shapes our life and gives us our results. If we put out negativity, we get negativity in return. The same is true if we put out positivity. Every single thing we do causes an effect. Our actions are creating causes that show up as our reality. Actions lead to results and for every action, there is a reaction. This law is demonstrated beautifully by the Butterfly Effect in chaos theory. This is the idea that the flap of a butterfly’s wings could have universal ramifications on the reality experienced millions of years later via the chain of events this sets off. If ANY cause was changed in the past, we could be living in a VERY different reality. In other words, we live in a highly complex system where pure chance cannot exist.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
Listen to Live: IBGR.Network Subscribe to Our Podcast: Building Success Habits Podcast
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!,everything is vibration
“When you react, you are giving away your power. When you respond, you are staying in control of yourself.”--Bob Proctor So, how do you get started with the Law of Attraction? First it is important to know that you are already using the Law of Attraction just like you are using the Law of Gravity! The Law of Attraction is always reacting to you, to whatever you are thinking and doing. Where you are today is a direct result of your past thoughts, your goals, your choices, and your decisions. The Law of Attraction is always working. So how do you start using it for things you actually want? Acting ‘as if' is a way to help manifest something into our lives by acting as if we already have it. When you're seeking something you don't yet have, it is easy to get caught in a vicious circle of scarcity and lack. If you end up focusing on your lack of money, lack of love, lack of X, you only reinforce the fact you don't have it. Acting ‘as if' is as simple as feeling as if you have achieved something. Or feeling the emotions you'd feel if you had someone or something. You can use creative visualization to build that picture in your mind first. Then begin to act as if you already have it all. You can also use positive affirmations to back up your intentions to help you act ‘as if' you have what you desire. This also overlaps with, and compliments the Law of Assumption. Surrender and Accept. Surrendering to what is, after you've completed every other exercise is essential. After you have decided what you want to manifest, or what you want your life to look like then let everything else go. It can be difficult to do, but we need to surrender to the process and trust the process. Do not focus on what is wrong about the present or what can not be undone from the past. Only focus your energy on acceptance of the past and surrender to the future.
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!,everything is vibration
We are your single, one stop source for business success, period, end of story.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
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“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works, it works every time with every person. – Bob Proctor Law #1: Like Attracts Like The Law of Attraction in its most simple form is “like attracts like.” This means that things, objects, or people with similar energy attract each other. This happens every moment of every day whether you are aware of it or not. We see this energy shifting occuring when we attract similar experiences, people or things. Positive thought and emotion will attract positive things or experiences. The reverse is also true. Negative thoughts, and emotions, will attract negative things or experiences into our life. We tend to gravitate to things, people, or situations that have the same energy as us. Whether positive or negative in nature, this will only magnify the vibration we feel. It's important to remember that thoughts become things. The thoughts we have and the choices we make reflect back into our world and become our reality. We attract what we think about so it is best to go about this with clear intention. Be careful of your thoughts and what you are thinking and feeling. Surround yourself with the kind of people that make you feel great, that you want to grow with, or become more like. Law #2: Nature Abhors a Vacuum According to the ancient philosopher Aristotle, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” He observed that nature requires all space to fill with something. Even if that something is colorless, odorless air. It is impossible to have empty space in our mind or life. Empty space will fill with whatever you attract, whether you like it or not. Remove what you don't want in your life and make room for positive things to replace them. The best way to think of this is to remember how good it feels to tidy a desk, a cupboard or a room. You remove the clutter. You throw out or recycle what you don't need. After cleaning you replace everything with new, clean, tidy things. Your mind becomes clear. Your mood is brighter and you feel positive. Law #3: The Present is Always Perfect Whatever is happening in the present is a direct result of our past choices and decisions. Surrender to what is. The past is the past and you have infinite possibilities in the future, so accept what is in the present. It may seem imperfect and you may feel unhappy but you should focus your mind on being positive. Enjoy the present for the perfect moment that it is.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
Listen to Live: IBGR.Network Subscribe to Our Podcast: Building Success Habits Podcast
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!, everything is vibration
“Science and psychology have isolated the one prime cause for success or failure in life. It is the hidden self-image you have of yourself.” – Bob Proctor The Law of Attraction is always working, every single second of every day. It is reacting to how you act, all the time. It works whether you are acting in a positive or negative way. If you know and believe that you deserve good things you will act a certain way. You will set great goals and make plans and without thinking, you will put yourself in situations that lead to exactly where you need to be. Some of these things might seem like “lucky breaks” but they aren't. The Law of Attraction is giving you exactly what you think you deserve. If you have limiting beliefs and think that you don't deserve something, this will reflect in your behaviors. You'll act in a way that won't put you in situations that will result in anything positive. You'll use negative language or have a negative attitude. You won't notice perfect timing. You won't end up in the right place at the right time. The Law of Attraction is giving you exactly what you think you deserve. You get less of what you want, because you know you don't deserve it and are acting exactly in this way. The Law of Attraction works in a similar way to what Maxwell Maltz calls the ‘servo-mechanism” in his book Psycho Cybernetics.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
Listen to Live: IBGR.Network Subscribe to Our Podcast: Building Success Habits Podcast
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!,everything is vibration
“The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves.” – Bob Proctor When we understand the possibilities that life has to offer, we realize we are the creators of our lives and the rulers of our destiny. We always create all of our results in our mind first. Then, through the choices we make and the actions we take, we begin to see the world around us change. This works both in the positive and negative. If we don’t like what we are currently seeing in our lives, we can always change it! Life is a blank canvas of possibility; you are in control of what the finished picture could look like. The Law of Attraction is simple, precise and always accurate. All laws of nature are completely perfect and the Law of Attraction is no exception. No matter what you are looking to have or achieve or be in life, if you can hold onto an idea and see it for yourself in your mind’s eye, you can make it yours to have… with a little effort, action and emotion on your part. Create a burning desire, and hold that image long enough and it can’t help but become reality.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
Listen to Live: IBGR.Network Subscribe to Our Podcast: Building Success Habits Podcast
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!,everything is vibration
“That’s why people that are doing what they love never have to work again. They spend their whole life in a wonderful vibration.” — Bob Proctor If you want to know whether you are working with or against the Law of Vibration, just take a good look at your life right now. Are you accomplishing your goals and living a fulfilling life? Or are you scraping to get by and are always feeling negative? Time and hard work alone are not enough to reach our goals. If we do not change our vibration, we will never realize our dreams and manifest our goals. This is why we often experience the “things are not moving in our way” moments. When our energy vibration is not in alignment with what we desire in our life, things will seem to go against us regardless of what we do. We can put in extra hours to work on our dreams, work harder, find ways, learn better strategy, hire more talented people to our company, get better business partners, etc., but if our vibration does not change, we will eventually suffer the same outcomes, which is a business failure. This is why an entrepreneur can fail at a business and when they start another business, they will experience the same failure. And when they finally “get it”, they change their vibration in harmony with their goals, they will finally manifest the success results they want. Are you working hard on your goals and are trying your best to manifest your dreams, but you fail to realize them no matter how hard you try? If this is happening to you, you need to change your vibration. You need to create vibrations (thoughts and feelings) that are in harmony with what you want. When our vibration is in alignment with what we say we want, things will come to us automatically, without much effort.
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!, everything is vibration
We are your single, one stop source for business success, period, end of story.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
Listen to Live: IBGR.Network Subscribe to Our Podcast: Building Success Habits Podcast
“Vibration is essential to understand but only one person, maybe ten has any grasp of it at all.” – Bob Proctor If we want to raise and improve our vibration, start paying attention to how you feel at each moment. There is no point in saying that you want to be rich, but if you do not feel it, you will never attract it. This is the main reason most people fail to make the Law of Attraction work because they fail with the basic Law of Vibration. When you are feeling down, emotional and negative, do something to raise your vibration. Try one or more of the following to raise your vibration: Write down the things that you are grateful for and feel the appreciation. When you feel thankful and grateful for what you have, you will operate from a higher level of vibration. Listen to music you love and that will inspire you and watch how you start to feel inspired and you want to take action. This is because the music frequency will raise the vibration in your body too. Take a walk in nature. Let the energy and vibration of the trees, the wind, the soil and nature make you feel pleasant. Send your love to people who are bothering you. It is always our feelings and emotions that control our vibration. It is our vibration that we send out to the Universe, not our thoughts. Our thoughts alone are not enough in helping us attract the things we want. Merely thinking about what we want is not enough. We also need to feel it.
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Connect with Londina at Londina.com Learn more about Donna here…
Listen to Live: IBGR.Network Subscribe to Our Podcast: Building Success Habits Podcast
TAGS: IBGR, IBGR Network, Donna Kunde, Londina Cruz, everything is energy, everything is frequency, everything is energy and vibration, everything is energy - reality of universe, albert einstein said: everything is energy, knowing that everything is energy will change your life!, everything is vibration
The podcast currently has 364 episodes available.