Happy New Year! 2020! I am back with an extremely insightful, charismatic and interesting guest - Dara Paoletti! Dara is a certified life coach and shares a great deal about her life and coaching processes. We have a wide-ranging conversation that dives deep into the human condition with a bunch of laughs along the way :)
Please check out her website at https://worklifeuprising.com, especially the new program she is featuring this year - Rock Your Resolutions - https://worklifeuprising.com/resolutions.
Dara mentioned the below topics during our chat and I highly encourage you to dig deeper into them:
Multipotentialite Ted Talk by Emilie Wapnick: https://www.ted.com/talks/emilie_wapnick_why_some_of_us_don_t_have_one_true_calling?language=en
The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin: https://www.amazon.com/Four-Tendencies-Indispensable-Personality-Profiles/dp/1524760919/
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado: https://www.amazon.com/Dream-House-Carmen-Maria-Machado/dp/1644450038
It was great to get back into the swing of things with someone as intuitive, inspiring and overall super cool as Dara! Enjoy!!