Happy New Year and welcome! It's a new year and a new season for Business Between Bells!
I can't believe we are already into season 2 and our fabulous guest Kate Toon is the perfect person to kick off the season!
I'm recording this intro at 6am in the morning because school holidays and I'm trying to squeeze work in when I can at the moment. I was chatting to a friend in business yesterday and we were saying how school holidays really bring that 'family/business' blend to the forefront, Mum guilt and business guilt can often kick in and we can feel as if we are just not managing to be the master of all tasks.
So enough about me let me introduce you to today's fabulous guest, Kate Toon.
Kate Toon is a writing entrepreneur, as well as a popular coach, speaker, author and podcaster. For anyone who is interest she's also a mad good hula hooper.
Her digital education businesses The Recipe for SEO Success and The Clever Copywriting School have helped more than 8000 small business owners grapple the Google beast and write better content.
Kate runs Australia's only dedicated annual copywriting conference COPYCON.
Author of the popular business self-help book Confessions of a Misfit Entrepreneur: How to succeed in business despite yourself, Kate lives on the Central Coast of Sydney, where she loves wandering on the beach with her son and her CFO (Chief Furry Office-dog) Pomplemousse who was a keen to make a guest appearance on the show!
I just loved this chat with Kate, she is as refreshing an entrepreneur as you will get. Real, relatable with a very healthy dose of humour thrown in. In the episode Kate discusses:
- How she has created a very successful business that very much runs between bells
- How things really changed for her when her son started school
- How she works to strong boundaries where she tries not to work nights or on the weekends (if she isn't speaking)
- How she hasn't always been able to be so strict with her bourndaries and that in the early years she really had to put in the hard yards to make this happen
- As leaders she feels we really need to lead by example when it comes to this parenting/business space and she is doing this by offering a creche at her next CopyCon Conference and allows guests to bring their babies
- How she has used speaking to really elevate her brand
- Some really brilliant productivity tips she uses to get as much done as she can
And finally Kate discusses and definitely practises what she preaches the importance of showing up as you quirks and all.
As you can tell I thoroughly enjoyed myself recording this but also learnt a great deal which I know you are going to as well. So now let's get on with the show.