✴️Episode #83✴️
🔥Business Insights with Matt Milia🔥
In this episode, Matt Milia interviews Christopher Hart Empire Builder at Powur and Sales, Scripts and Leadership Coach.
Christopher Hart started in the real estate industry in 2005 after experiencing a successful career as an Infantry Officer in the 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army. Christopher’s experience in real estate encompasses the likes of being a solo agent focusing on production, to
growing a team of his own and learning the ropes of leverage, to owning his own independent real estate firm and creating success thru working on the business and
not just in the business.
In 2011 Christopher stepped out of his business to experience growth in leadership and joined Keller Williams as a Team Leader. Since then Christopher has been a Team Leader in 2 Keller Williams market centers, a Productivity Coach, a CEO of a High Performing Team, a MAPS coach, and even launched his Independent Coaching Firm focused on Leadership Development, Script & Market Mastery, and Team Building!
Most recently Christopher’s entrepreneurial spirit has lead him into the Renewable Energy industry where he is currently building a Nationwide Solar Sales Business.
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