In Corporate Toolbox, the Business Minutia team shares the five skills needed for corporate success: communication, time management, self-awareness, people skills, and a willingness to learn. Each tool is linked to previous episodes.
Corporate Toolbox Keys Discussed
- Firstly, an overview of the five essential tools.
- Secondly, why communication is the first skill for the toolbox.
- Thirdly, communication episodes to consider: Emails, Meetings, and Presentations.
- Fourthly, the value of time management.
- Fifthly, adding relationship agility to your toolbox.
- Sixthly, episodes to sharpen this skill: Horrible Co-Workers 1 and 2, Bad Bosses, Networking for Introverts, Networking for Extroverts, Conflict Resolution, HR, and Systemic Racism.
- Seventhly, the value of adding self-awareness to your toolbox.
- Eighthly, episodes to sharpen this skill: Enneagrams, Navigating Career Changes, Pursuing Feedback, Why am I Here, and When to Leave.
- Ninthly, you need to maintain a growth mindset.
- Tenthly, episodes to sharpen this skill: Continuing Education, How College Failed Me, and Incubating Ideas.