In this episode Vicki goes solo! She gives you some tips and ways to lower your risk and exposure of COVID during the Thanksgiving holiday.
Here’s a couple low risk options to help keep you, your family and your co workers safe during turkey day:
- Hosting a virtual meal for extended family and friends.
- Preparing traditional dishes to deliver safely to family and neighbors.
- Shopping Black Friday sales online instead of at the mall.
- Catching football games and parades at home.
Having a mini- feast at your home? No Thanksgiving is complete without the food!
Plan ahead! Go grocery shopping during off peak hours.-Maintain safe social distancing- remember that 6 feet is probably farther than you think. It’s about 2 shopping carts long.
Having family come to your home?
- Plan your feast in an outdoor setting
- Use Plastic dinnerware, paper Napkins and paper towels
- Keep Alcohol-based hand sanitizer around for easy use
- Disinfectant wipes readily available for clean up
- Separate coolers with ice to keep food and drinks cold
- Avoid sharing food- if you have multiple families ,each family household should bring its own food and drinks.
Another tip is -keep the gathering short! This year it’s recommended that we decrease the amount of time we spend together. Catching up, having a good time and enjoying each other is what this holiday is all about. But don’t be afraid to let your family know when it’s time to go.
The most important is to stay current on COVID symptoms! Make sure you know what they are and STAY HOME if you might be experiencing some. It could save a life. Tune in to learn more!
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