
CARTA: Humans: The Planet-Altering Apes with Walter Willett Jessica Thompson David Tilman

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As humans have evolved, so has our ability to drastically alter the planet we call home. In this collection of talks from the CARTA symposium, "Humans: The Planet-Altering Apes" you will learn about specific examples on how humans have changed Earth and what can be done to prevent its cataclysmic demise. Walter Willett will discuss how climate change is having devastating effects that will undermine our ability to feed the world’s growing population. Jessica Thompson talks about humans transformed the environment and the damage it has done to our ecosystem. Finally, David Tilman addresses the global alteration of Earth's nitrogen cycle, and what it means for u as a species moving forward. Series: "CARTA - Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny" [Humanities] [Science] [Show ID: 38205]
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