Prognosticators have been making their predictions since long
What is a Prognosticator? Someone who makes predictions and
forecasts. Let's take a look at that….
In This Episode We Look At:
Infamous predictions of the past—that didn't happenCurrent financial predictions and how acting upon them candestroy your wealth
Why individuals and institutions make predictions? HINT: Theycan profit from your fear.
Today's Resources and Links:
You can have a look at the downside of predictions, in theshoes of one who made a big prediction and learned to regret it:
One Thing You Can Do Today to Improve Your Financial
Learn to recognize the Doom and Gloom predictions. Stay true toyour planned investment strategy and remember that wealth is
created by owning equities for the long term.
What Are Your Thoughts?
If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite
you to share your thoughts.