In this week's podcast Mitch is joined by State Member of Whitsunday's National Party, Amanda Camm to discuss mindful communication and maintaining a healthy relationship with peers, partners, teammates and more in the community.
The two discuss with each other exactly what is a respectful relationship, how to deal with potential conflict and how to identify an unhealthy relationship.
The Mackay Cutters’ Change the Game mental health initiative and vodcast is a first for rugby league in Australia.
Join QCCS Mackay Cutters CEO Mitch Cook as he talks with various influential community members, navigating his way through topics like mental health, rugby league, community inclusiveness, and wellbeing.
Mitch comes from a background of sports strength and conditioning, with a vast knowledge of the importance a healthy lifestyle plays in a professional sports person’s life, and illuminates the need for mental health support.
It is our goal to raise awareness about mental health & wellbeing, suicide prevention and increase the exposure of local mental health and wellbeing networks.
Watch all Change The Game vodcast episodes on Facebook: OR Youtube:
To find out more about the Change The Game initiative visit:
#mackaycutters #changethegame