0.02 Hi, everyone, thank you so much for joining me on another episode of Chat Bout Weddings. I am so grateful that you have joined me in this meet the vendor series, where I am talking to local wedding professionals in Jamaica, who are at the top of their game and are able to support our international friends who come to Jamaica and bring their clients here to get married, who are able to support them at the level of their brand. Today, I'm really, really excited because the guest that I have today is not only a friend, but a wedding vendor partner, and I have gone through many, many, many wedding doors with this photographer, and will continue to go through many doors with him.
2:11 Thanks Ophellia. Hello to you and your audience. It's a pleasure to be here. Thanks for the invite. It's always exciting to share on wedding photography and so on. But today you're asking me to share about myself. Which is, yeah, it's a challenge for me, you know, because I'm sometimes shy, but let me give it a shot.
3:09 I started out like any other photographer doing landscape photography, model photography, all different types of photography to find out which one I really liked. And then because I'm a person who loves nature, so I drifted towards landscape. And then I like people. So, I kind of fell into wedding photography, because of the combination of adding people to landscape, microphotography. And I think weddings encompass almost all genre photography. So that that that that is what makes it exciting for me.
5:00 If you have five weddings back to back at the exact same location with a similar setup, you somehow managed to tease out a very different-looking wedding for every single bride. And that's something about you would that I completely admire. But I am so grateful because no bride wants the exact same wedding as another bride. And no matter how familiar the spaces to you, no matter how many times you've shot there, you somehow managed to create a wedding experience and a wedding album for each client that looks very different from the client before.
6:07 No matter how small a venue is, all it takes is one step from left to right, to get a different angle. So it's so easy to have different looks for each wedding. And that's what makes it really exciting for me, knowing that it's not repetitive, it's not the same for each bride, for each groom. It's always different, personalities are different. I kind of tend to naturally drift towards certain types of shots based on the individuals and their personalities.
12:32 There are two things that you mentioned a while ago, that go hand in hand. And I figured this out early on in the game. As photographers we focus a lot on the technical aspect of photography, it gets into the camera setting, right? gets into lighting, right? Making sure that picture quality is excellent. But a big part of the puzzle is actually the mood of the client. If you totally ignore the vibe, the mood, if the client is unhappy at the time of the photo session, no matter how good a photographer you are, technically, you're not gonna get good pictures. Wedding Photography is really about emotions, really about capturing things as done fall in love between the bride and the groom. So there's, there's no way to Photoshop, an emotion, there's no way to Photoshop, the vibe of the couple. My photography will fail if my clients are unhappy on their shooting day.
Merrick Cousley Photography
IG: @merrickcousleyphotography
Website: www.merrickcousley.com