87% of employees experience physical, psychological or behavioral symptoms of poor mental health, resulting in between $17 and $44 billion in lost productivity.
There is an epidemic of presenteeism in our culture, a phenomenon in which employees are physically present at work, yet high levels of stress prevent them from getting much done. This stressed mindset results in choices made out of fear that take us further and further away from the things we really want. What can we do to shift our thinking and respond to stress in a way that serves us in reaching our highest potential?
Christine Monaghan is a human-potential champion who works with individuals and organizations to inspire a solutions-based leadership approach that boosts productivity, engagement and profits. She is passionate about influencing others to replace stress and tap into optimum performance through a focus on mindful commitments, conversations and choices. Monaghan came to this work after enduring emergency heart surgery and the extreme anxiety that followed, and now she is on a mission to help others access new levels of potential from a place of ease versus stress.
Today, Monaghan explains how she was able to view herself as a clean canvas in the aftermath of her near-death experience, focusing on the opportunity to create a new life rather than what she had lost. She discusses strategies for responding to stressful situations as opposed to reacting out of fear, working ON your life rather than IN it, and getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Listen in for Monaghan’s insight on calming your nervous system in stressful situations and making choices that get you closer to your goals.
After a difficult experience, view yourself as a clean canvas. In the aftermath of Monaghan’s near-death experience, she chose to focus on the opportunity to create whatever she wanted rather than dwelling on what she lost.
Reprogram your mind to respond to stressful situations versus reacting out of fear. Ask yourself if this choice will move you closer to or further away from how you want to feel and what you want in your life.
Work ON your life rather than IN your life. This is the key to closing the gap between goal-setting and goal-achieving.
Who you become in the process of achieving your goals is the gem. Reaching the goal itself is a second reward.
If you’re feeling stressed, calm your nervous system and course correct. Touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and take three deep breaths. Then, pause and make a choice that takes care of you and fulfills your responsibilities.
Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Discomfort is a signal that you’re moving forward.
Connect with Christine Monaghan
Christine Monaghan’s Website
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HeartBroke, From Uncertainty to Possibility by Christine Monaghan
Forbes 2018 Trends Article
Deloitte Report on Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing
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