In the early days of graffiti, female writers were few and far between. Only one could wear the crown “QUEEN.”
New York had LADY PINK
San Francisco had SHEN TWS
and LA had OMEGA
This is the story of, quite possibly, the FIRST FEMALE graffiti style writer in Los Angeles who would go on to earn respect and secure her spot in style writing history.
Omega triumphed against all odds in a male dominated, late 80’s, early 90’s, wild-west coast, LA graffiti scene…
Fiercely independent, focused and friendly, Omega painted solo, incognito, she racked, she hit transit busses, freeways, streets and even got up on the Sepulveda Dam.
She pieced all of the major yards up and down the west coast. She painted at major graff events and was a respected member of the Earth Crew, an all-star group of writers that painted socially conscious-themed murals. She and Hex founded LA's legendary "Hip Hop Shop" on Melrose Blvd.
Where the Alpha begins… The OMEGA is final
Classic Burners features legendary graffiti writers from around the globe.
Hosted by Los Angeles graffiti legend: SKILL ONE
👊🏼 Streaming on all major platforms | LINKTREE ➡️ https://linktr.ee/classicburners
👊🏼 Shop for CB Merch ➡️ https://classicburners.com
🔥 Order Custom Slaps ➡️ https://getupstickers.com/?v=7516fd43adaa
🔥 Shop Skill One Merch ➡️ https://skillydee.com