Whole foods encompass foods that come straight from the Earth in their most unprocessed, unrefined state. What about soul foods?Whole foods encompass foods that come straight from the Earth in their most unprocessed, unrefined state.What about soul foods?Jamie Relei Ferguson, Lifestyle & Wellness Coach, created her Be Well Bites Coaching Program in order to nourish your body, heart and soul.The four soul elements include:
Physical activity
When you fulfill yourself with the soul foods of life, your entire experience improves. Jamie also developed a 21 Day Be Well Cleanse, which hones in on body, mind, and spirit.
Whole foods-based cleanse focused on clean eating
Focused on vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, healthy oils, and lean meats and fish on day 11
Removing the following foods for the time: sugar, dairy, soy, alcohol, caffeine
Average weight loss 8-10 pounds in 21 Days
Increased energy, libido, clarity, sense of smell and taste, clearer skin
Listen in as Jamie joins host Lisa Davis to share more about the connection between whole foods and soul foods, as well as the benefits of doing her 21-day cleanse.