Will Hyper Inflation Happen and Will it Affect My Retirement?
Hyperinflation is a topic that scares many people due to the many uncertainties that come with it. There has been a trend in the finance world where people give half-baked information on hyperinflation based on their personal gains. They either have an email list to build, a product to sell, or win more clients.
In this episode, I have the privilege of hosting Thomas Cloud Jr. He is a passionate certified financial planner and the president of Third Act Retirement. He recently posted an article on hyperinflation and retirement, and I will be seeking to find out what inspired him to write the article. Also, we’ll look at the most reliable hedges against inflation.
Listen to this episode and learn whether hyperinflation will happen and whether it will affect your retirement.
Standout Quotes from the Episode:
“If we have all of our eggs in one basket, then we are vulnerable to one particular type of economic disaster.”
“Fear is such a powerful emotion. Fear drives you and me. Every person is driven by fear to some degree.”
Connect with Thomas Cloud:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-cloud-jr-cfp-r-chfc-r-aams-r-81b2122/
Website: https://www.thirdactretirement.com/