I recorded this COACH MAGIC episode on the day my family and I are leaving for our trip to Sweden. We are so very excited!
There are a few ideas we touch on in this episode. First off, the power of moving on a dream you have. Sometimes dreams seem super complex and have a lot of steps, but you really have to decide that you want the thing and you're willing to do what it takes.
The Olympics are a great example of this. The athletes had to be willing to do what it takes to make it to the Olympics. And for many athletes with an Olympic dream, they didn't make it. Then you see others who make it to the Olympics, and the games didn't go exactly the way that they hoped. It can be heartbreaking and it plays out on a global stage. And there are others who realize their technicolor dream at those Olympics and it’s beyond what they could even imagine.
And so today, I want you to really reflect on what are you dreaming about? What is it that is in your vision? What won't leave you alone?
Do you have this desire? Is there something you really, really, really want to do? And what are you waiting for? There will always be obstacles. There'll always be steps you're going to need to take. That’s just life. Are you willing to take those steps? Do you believe you are worthy?
I bring this concept home, I’m also hooking you up with a powerful meditation. Enjoy this episode of COACH MAGIC: Willing and Worthy.
Buckle up and let’s go.