Have you ever been hurt because you thought you had a meaningful relationship with someone, things were going well, and suddenly that person cut you off? You couldn't get through to them nor were they getting back to you. Poof, like a ghost, they were gone and you were left feeling utterly confused. Can you relate?
Welcome to The Home of Growth, Personal Growth & Development Series with Coach Ted and Coach Meriam.
In this episode we dive into a hot topic inside the community which is ghosting. We explain what ghosting is and what it’s not. Why does ghosting hurts so much and what can we do when we are ghosted by someone.
Make sure to subscribe so you can enjoy our content fresh as it comes out. we also invite you to comment, message and email us with your thoughts and questions. This is a free series, and through this channel we want to create a dialogue where your voice is heard and responded to.
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